Magic The Gathering Magic: The Gathering C88930000 Card Game

1 foil etched Display Commander. 10 double-sided tokens + life tracker and deck box. 100-card ready-to-play Adventures in the Forgotten Realms (AFR) Commander deck. Deck includes 2 traditional foils + 98 nonfoil cards. Reduced-plastic packaging.
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Magic The Gathering C88930000 For Sale
Magic The Gathering C88930000 Price History
Magic The Gathering C88930000 Specs
Brand | Magic The Gathering |
Model | C88930000 |
Manf # | C88930000 |
Age Group | |
Color | |
Height | 8.583" |
Width | 6.496" |
Length | 2.205" |
Weight | |
Release Date | 7/23/2021 12:00:01 AM |